Thysanoptera of Japan


Aeolothrips kurosawai Bhatti, 1971


本種はおそらく食肉性で、他のアザミウマなどの小昆虫を捕食するものと思われる。各種の花にも見られるが、どちらかといえば草地のススキ等のイネ科植物体上に多く見られる。小笠原諸島を除く日本に広く分布し、海外では台湾(高標高地)や中国からも知られる。どちらかというと北方系の本種が沖縄県に生息することは注目に値する。シマアザミウマA. fasciatusによく似るが、前翅の2黒帯が後方でつながることで区別は容易。

Probably this species prey other small insects such as thrips. It is collected from various plants including flowers but it common on Poaceae leaves such as Miscanthus sinensis in the grass-tussocks rather than flowers. It is widspread in Japan except Ogasawara Islands, and also distributed China and the high-land of Taiwan. It is interesting that this species is distributed in the northern areas rather than soutern areas but is known from Okinawa. It is very similar to A. fasciatus (Linnaeus) but it easily can be distinguished from the latter species by two dark bands on the fore wing narrowly connecting at posterior margin.

  • Female




    Female head and thorax